12 December, 2010

Building the Core Portfolio

Here is what I have decided I need on my core mutual fund based portfolio: Some balanced funds, some large cap and maybe some mid cap funds. The balanced and large cap funds should provide the stability and the mid caps should provide the growth.

Value Research Online is an excellent source of information when it comes to mutual funds in India and general personal finance tips. It is on the basis of its categorisation and rating that my fund selection is largely based on.

Anyway, here is my list:
  1. Balanced: HDFC Prudence Fund. This is a fund that has been going strong for more than a decade and has provided excellent returns to its investors.
  2. Large Cap: Franklin Bluechip and DSP Black Rock Top 100. The Bluechip fund is one that I have personally held for more than 6 years and has proven to be a good, stable investment. The DSPBR Top 100 is not a fund I have invested in, but has a solid track record over the last 7 odd years.
  3. Large and Mid Cap: HDFC Top 200. This is not a fund I hold, but has been on my radar for quite a while now. Since its inception around 13 years back, this fund has been an outstanding performer.
  4. Mid and Small Cap: Reliance Growth.
  5. Multi Cap: HDFC Equity.
The last 2, in fact the last 3, are what I am hoping will give a boost to the portfolio. The primary reason to stick with Reliance Growth and HDFC Equity, despite the  fact that they are not rated too highly, it that I've held these for a while now and they have not disappointed. Also, I do not want worry about short term capital gains in case I have to redeem to buy house in the near future.

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